1st Cut 

Compressed Alfalfa

62 lbs/bale, 24 bales/skid, $455/skid

Alfalfa hay is a nutrient-dense legume hay rich in protein and calcium, making it a premium choice for various livestock. Characterized by its leafy appearance, thick stems, and rich green color, Alfalfa provides essential vitamins and minerals. This hay is particularly beneficial for adult horses that are in heavy work, underweight, or require additional energy and protein. Additionally, Alfalfa hay is ideal for lactating mares, goats, sheep, and cows, providing the necessary nutrients for milk production while its low fiber content helps in maintaining their digestive health. When assessing Alfalfa hay, look for a rich green color, a high leaf-to-stem ratio, and a fresh, earthy smell.

Feeding hay bales in the double compressed form provides numerous advantages, such as reduced storage space requirements and easier handling and transportation due to their compact size. This form also ensures that you get more hay per bale, enhancing feeding efficiency and minimizing waste, making it an ideal choice for farms and agricultural operations.